SKIN GOALS Brightening Glow 10-Minutes Wash Off Mask - Without Spatula

Emergency Skin Rescuer - Bright All Day!
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SKIN GOALS Brightening Glow 10-Minutes Wash Off Mask



Consists of Bentonite Clay, Kaolin, G2Light, & SabiWhite, SKIN GOALS Brightening Glow 10-Minutes Wash Off Mask focuses to brighten your skin optimally with the use of 1-2 times/week. Reduce hyperpigmentation and keep your skin elasticity. Achieve your own version of perfect skin in 10 minutes!



  • Non-stripping clay mask
  • Glowing & free from sebum
  • SABIWHITE x Alpha Arbutin = Maximal Brilliant Brightening Combo
  • Reduce hyperpigmentation
  • Mantain skin elasticity
  • Non-Comedogenic
  • Dermatologically Tested
  • Cocok untuk Acne Prone
  • Teenagers friendly
  • HALAL MUI Certified
  • BPOM Certified 



1. Cleanse your face with Somethinc Low pH Gentle Jelly Cleanser

2. Wipe your face, then apply Wash Off Mask to face and neck area, with/without a spatula

3. Wait for 10 minutes, then wash it off

4. Use toner as the next step

5. Use 1-2 times/week

6. Can be used alternately with other Somethinc Wash Off Masks


SabiWhite ®

SabiWhite® menghambat proses melanogenesis (pembentukan melanin) & mampu membantu mencerahkan kulit secara maksimal 16x lebih efektif & aman dibanding Hydroquinone tanpa efek samping apapun. 

2% Alpha Arbutin

Alpha Arbutin dikenal sebagai ingredient yang sangat ideal untuk mencerahkan kulit. Memiliki kemampuan yang superior dibandingkan dengan Hydroquinone & Beta-arbutin. Memiliki tingkat keamanan yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan hydroquinone & lebih stabil jika dibandingkan dengan beta-arbutin.

Glycyrrhiza Glabra Root (Licorice) Extract

Licorice secara tradisional dikenal dengan kemampuannya yang dapat mencerahkan kulit. G2 Light mencerahkan kulit dengan cara menghambat pembentukan melanin melalui penghambatan pembentukan enzim pembentuk pigmen kulit.



Glutathione merupakan tripeptide dengan komposisi utama cysteine, glycine, & glutamate. Memiliki kemampuan menghambat enzyme tyrosinase sehingga dapat mencerahkan kulit.

Marine Source Collagen

Merupakan kolagen tipe 1 yang 1.5 kali lebih mudah diserap oleh kulit. Marine Collagen mampu membantu menyamarkan tanda-tanda penuaan dini.


Strawberry Seeds

Berfungsi untuk membersihkan & mengeksfoliasi kulit secara lembut. Bahan natural ini juga berfungsi sebagai antioksidan yang membantu meredakan infeksi & inflamasi. 


Bentonite Clay

Mampu menyerap kotoran & sebum di permukaan kulit, meredakan peradangan, & membunuh bakteri. Mengandung mineral bermanfaat seperti kalsium, magnesium, & zat besi.


Tanah liat alami yang kaya akan mineral untuk mengurangi minyak berlebih & mengeksfoliasi kulit secara lembut tanpa menjadikan kulit kering.

Is this mask suitable for those with sensitive and acne-prone skin?

This mask is manufactured for all skin types, thus it is suitable for everyone to use.


What are the differences with other Somethinc Wash Off  masks?

SKIN GOALS Brightening Glow 10-Minutes Wash Off Mask focuses to brightens your skin so that you can achieve #BrightBeautifully maximally. 

Every Somethinc mask has different function, please check the description :)


Only 1-2 times/week is allowed, why?

Too much will hurt you so much, likewise with the excessive use of mask.

Using the mask excessively/too frequently is not recommended. Since clay masks absorb sebum & clean pores, the overuse of it can cause your skin to become too dry.

Pay attention to the condition of your skin & adjust your mask usage according to your needs :)


Can I apply this mask with bare hands?

Definitely. Take some amount of mask and apply it with your fingers

Make sure to wash your hands before. 


Should I use this mask regularly?

Not necessarily. This mask is an "additional" step. If you feel that it is unnecessary, you can skip this step.


Is 10 minutes a must ?

We have done research on this product, through trial and error, we discovered that 10 minutes is the best duration to get maximum results.

Make sure that the clay mask applied is not left to dry out entirely as it has opposite effect which can draw all nutrients away from the skin


Is this mask safe for teenagers and those during pregnancy?

Absolutely, both teenagers and pregnant women can use this mask 1-2 times/week.

This mask has also been certified: Non Comedogenic Certified & Dermatology tested.

However, considering that pregnant women experience hormonal changes & can become hypersensitive, please consult a gynecologist by including the listed ingredients.


Is this mask BPOM Certified?

All Somethinc products are registered in BPOM & Certified

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